Major EPidemiological cHanges and clInical variableS in paTients undergOing a Program of HEart rehabiLitation aftEr cardiac Surgery – MEPHISTOPHELES
Settembre 2011, Vol. 12, N. 9
G Ital Cardiol 2011;12(9):611-618
doi 10.1714/926.10176
Baravelli M, Gronda E, Donatelli F, Menicanti L, Ballotta A, Borghi S, Bosco M, Crespi L, Vezzaro G, Fantoni C, Rossi MC, Imperiale D, Cattaneo P, Rossi A, Picozzi A, Anzà C. Major EPidemiological cHanges and clInical variableS in paTients undergOing a Program of HEart rehabiLitation aftEr cardiac Surgery – MEPHISTOPHELES. G Ital Cardiol 2011;12(9):611-618. doi 10.1714/926.10176